Mary Daniels Brown

My mother always insisted that, as soon as I was old enough to sit up, she’d find me in my crib after my nap babbling away, with a Little Golden Book on my lap. I’ve had my nose in a book ever since. I grew up in a small town, with the tiny town library literally in my backyard. As an only child in an unhappy home, I found comfort and companionship in books. As an adult I wanted to be Harry Potter, although I admit I’m more Hermione. My life has been a series of research projects. Reading has taught me that human lives are deliciously messy and that “it’s complicated” isn’t a punchline.

It’s National Reading Group Month!

National Reading Group Month: Reading groups are proving that good books bring people together. National Reading Group Month salutes reading groups. It fosters their growth and promotes the love of literature. It’s an opportunity for reading groups to reflect on their accomplishments and plan for the future — the perfect time to join or start

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What Are You Reading for Banned Books Week?

ALA | Banned Books Week: Banned Books Week: Celebrating the Freedom to Read is observed during the last week of September each year. Observed since 1982, this annual ALA event reminds Americans not to take this precious democratic freedom for granted. This year, 2008, marks BBW’s 27th anniversary (September 27 through October 4). Check out

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Books | “State by State” takes readers on an offbeat road trip across the country

Books | “State by State” takes readers on an offbeat road trip across the country | Seattle Times Newspaper: ‘State by State: A Panoramic Portrait of America’ is an intriguing collection of essays and snapshots on the 50 states as seen through the eyes of 50 writers. In a modern update of the series referred

Books | “State by State” takes readers on an offbeat road trip across the country Read More »

Going Down the Road – In a Town Apart, the Pride and Trials of Black Life

Going Down the Road – In a Town Apart, the Pride and Trials of Black Life – Series – Eatonville, the first all-black town to incorporate in the country and the childhood home of Zora Neale Hurston, is no longer as simple as she described it in 1935: ‘the city of five lakes, three

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Just in time: Banned Books Week |

Just in time: Banned Books Week | Given the recent public scuffle over Sarah Palin’s conversations while mayor with a Wasilla librarian about the possibility of banning books, there probably couldn’t be a better moment for the American Library Association’s Banned Books Week, which begins tomorrw, Sept. 27, and runs through Oct. 4.

Just in time: Banned Books Week | Read More »

Inside Google Book Search: Book Search everywhere with new partnerships and tools

Inside Google Book Search: Book Search everywhere with new partnerships and tools: Google makes it even easier for readers to part with their hard-earned cash: Today, we’re taking a big step towards bringing more books, across more sites, to more people online. We’re launching a set of free tools that allow retailers, publishers, and anyone

Inside Google Book Search: Book Search everywhere with new partnerships and tools Read More »

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