Background: 3 stacked, closed books; open notebook with pen on top. Text: September Is Rereading Month

September Is Rereading Month

Thanks to these two bloggers for sponsoring the annual Blog Discussion Challenge:

A cartoon with a stack of books between a bluebird and a fox. Text: 2024 Discussion Challenge
It has often been my experience that re-reading a book that was important to me at earlier times in my life is something like lying on the analyst’s couch.
—Vivian Gornick, Unfinished Business: Notes of a Chronic Re-Reader (p. 3)

For the past few years I’ve set aside September as a month for rereading works that I’ve continued to think about since I first read them. I don’t remember exactly when I started doing this or even why, but knowing that it will eventually come up gives me comfort all year. And once I started compiling a list of books to reread, I came up with way more titles than I’ll probably be able to get through in the number of Septembers left to me.

However, I’m going to cheat a bit this year. I have Liz Moore’s new novel The God of the Woods on my shelf, and I’m really, really eager to read it. So I’m going to start with that one, and then I’ll move on to rereading at least a few of these books:

  • Neuromancer by William Gibson
  • The Silent Wife by A.S.A. Harrison
  • Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
  • Atonement by Ian McEwan
  • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

How about you?

Do you reread books? Why or why not?

© 2024 by Mary Daniels Brown

5 thoughts on “September Is Rereading Month”

    1. Mary Daniels Brown

      I feel ya, Liz. I’m at the point in life when I have more reading years behind me than ahead. Yet I still keep a list and try to revisit at least a few of my favorites in September. Knowing that Rereading September will eventually come around, I don’t have to think about the topic for the other 11 months of each year.

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