A stack of 3 closed books (left); an open notebook with a pen on top (right). Title: 12 Novels Thata Changed How I Read Fiction

#12 “Trust” by Hernan Diaz

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Book cover. Background: light green, with picture of a skyscraper under a glass dome. Text: Trust, a novel by Pulitzer Prize Finalist Hernan Diaz.

Trust by Hernan Diaz

© 2022

Date read: 1/31/2023

The four-part structure was initially what drew me to Trust. By the time I got to this novel, I was used to novels divided into sections that presented either various points of view or various time periods. But Trust was different from other novels I’d read in that its four sections are each a distinct type of written material: (1) a novel, (2) an outline for a corporate, public-relations biography, (3) a personal memoir, and (4) a diary.

These are four different ways of looking at the same construct: the life of financier Andrew Bevel. But which is the correct way, the right way? Which version of the man’s life is true? In fact, they’re all true—but none tells the whole truth.

Trust therefore demonstrates the necessity of learning to tolerate ambiguity. The world is a complex place. Life is messy. There are often many answers to the same question. This novel warns us not to become complacent in our thinking, because there’s almost always yet another way to shine a light on any particular subject.

© 2024 by Mary Daniels Brown

2 thoughts on “#12 “Trust” by Hernan Diaz”

    1. Mary Daniels Brown

      Thanks for commenting, Anne. I thought the concept was brilliant, and I’m waiting to see another novelist try applying it to a subject other than finance.

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