I swore that I was through with “Best Books of 2019” lists. But then the folks at Off the Shelf hit me with this post:
The Best of 2019: The Top 10 Book Lists of the Year
Ah, the thematic book list. Nothing makes up leap for a new read like discovering a gem hidden in a historical fiction round-up or psychological thrillers listicle. This year, we even explored new sub-genres like domestic thrillers, historical fantasy and mystery, dysfunctional family dramedies, and even books Stephen King has blurbed. Here are just 10 of our favorite book lists we ran on Off the Shelf this year.
If you love lists as much as I do, here you’ll find links to the following lists:
- 14 Books You Wish You Could Read for the First Time Again
- A Cozy Winter Getaway: 9 Perfect Novels You Need to Bring
- Stephen King Recommends: 14 Books He Wants You to Read
- 7 Domestic Thrillers to Binge-Read Right Now
- 11 Books That Are Guaranteed Page-Turners
- 9 International Thrillers to Sink Your Teeth Into
- 12 Historical Novels to Transport You to Uncommon Eras
- The Mister Rogers TBR: 10 Books You’d Find in the Neighborhood Today
- 9 Beautiful Novels That Will Inspire You to Be a Better Person
- 8 Books We Can’t Stop Thinking About

And Ron Charles, who writes about books for The Washington Post, examined 11 trends that changed the way we read this decade recently.
And editors at The Amazon Book Review list a few books “that we will be moving back to the top of that TBR pile” in The books that (almost) got away in 2019.
© 2019 by Mary Daniels Brown